Concussion Recovery: The Next Chapter

The Belated Happy Ending to my concussion saga! 100%+ recovered and a beautiful road ahead. Here's how I did it ...

How Concussions Have Reshaped My Life

How multiple concussions have reshaped my life. I have a long, careful journey of recovery to complete in order to cross THIS finish line.

The Balance Between Riding And Resting

RESTING is when the body repairs and builds muscle: not in the middle of a workout. This concept took many, many years to finally sink in to my thick skull.

Off-Season Switch Up

The cycling experts say ‘off-season’ is for consistent training verses an abandonment of strict discipline in favor of late mornings, leisurely base miles, and general enjoyment...well, darn.

So: You Think You Suck

We've all been there... You are riding strong, feeling great, racing well, and then: BAM! Something happens, life gets in the way, or whatever - and you feel like you have to fight your way back.

Saddle Sagas

It's a fact that discomfort will impact performance. For women: the choice of saddle is a Big Deal...

Surviving Stage Races

I have successfully avoided 'Stage Races' and 'Omniums' for my entire racing career - until recently. Regardless of my historical reservations and fears concerning performance: I learned a lot about surviving Stage Races and actually did surprisingly well! ...With that being said: I'll share what I figured out.

Strength in Struggling

One day I woke up and realized that I had become what is known in the cycling world as a ‘Sprinter’. “Surprise!” Did the magic cycle fairy visit me the night before and sprinkle ‘sprint dust’ on my quads? No, sorry to dampen any dreams there. This did not occur by focused design or conscious training on my part either. By the time it dawned upon me that I had unintentionally achieved something quite good – I then had to figure out how it happened.

Just Ride Your Bike

Contrary to the popular norm, I ride my bike completely without electronics. This shocking state of affairs is the product of a happy accident - much like most genuine breakthroughs in mankind's history... Only much, much less significant. I tend to raise eyebrows on the rare occasions when I ask: "How many miles have we done?" Or, to the bewilderment of all - I have no idea what my mph average is; I just ride my bike.