Yoga & Cycling Benefits

Cross training on and off the bike is excellent for your athletic well-being, but too much and the wrong kind can hurt your competitive cycling edge. I found, and fell in love with, Yoga. Here are some tips how a regular yoga practice can help your cycling performance.

Training Tips | Riding in Rolling Hills

Ah, the scenery, the challenge, and the thrills! Love ‘em or hate ‘em: it’s important for every cyclist to become comfortable or at least acquainted with riding what most cyclist call The Rollers (aka: 'hills' - not indoor training!). Here’s a few tips from someone that has gone from being a hater to a lover. … Continue reading Training Tips | Riding in Rolling Hills

Shrug-Off Rounded Shoulders

A  common problem among most avid cyclists and triathletes is the tendency to an anterior rotation of the shoulder joint, otherwise known as rounded or hunched shoulders. This is so prevalent and can cause so many issues, I thought I might publish a few ways to counter-act this common problem. Basically the issue springs from … Continue reading Shrug-Off Rounded Shoulders