Concussion Recovery: The Next Chapter

The Belated Happy Ending to my concussion saga! 100%+ recovered and a beautiful road ahead. Here's how I did it ...

What 3 Weeks and 1,000 Miles Taught Me About Letting Go

What 3 Weeks and 1,000 Miles on a bike helped me learn to appreciate who I am, one mile at a time.

Ode to Donuts

Donuts: tempting yet so far out of my reach! I can be strong on the bike, but I'm weak for a donut.

The Balance Between Riding And Resting

RESTING is when the body repairs and builds muscle: not in the middle of a workout. This concept took many, many years to finally sink in to my thick skull.

The Keys to Competing in your 40’s

Let’s explore how women can compete later life (whatever ‘later’ means) and how you can do it too!

Rubber Side Down – Bike Crashes & Lessons Learned

Sharing a few cycling-related accident insights - both past and present, as well as a few lessons learned.

Sweaty Betty: Cycling in Summer

Sweat is gross but key to summer cycling survival. What do cyclists need to replenish lost minerals after a sweaty ride?

Biking with your Beloved

If you are one of those folks that has a cycling enthusiast for a significant other; this article is for you!

So: You Think You Suck

We've all been there... You are riding strong, feeling great, racing well, and then: BAM! Something happens, life gets in the way, or whatever - and you feel like you have to fight your way back.

The Road of Recovery

A friend and teammate requested an article on recovery and how to deal with the mental anguish of being off of the bike, trying to recover, and feeling stuck. While articles on racing, nutrition, and performance are awesome: perhaps the hardest part of being an athlete is when you can't...